MADAME TUSSAUDS…. There’s an awful lot going on in this shot, so at first I was not 100% sure what I meant to be it’s focal point. Maybe it’s the ginormous ‘Applebee’s’ sign. Perhaps it’s D&B (Dave and Busters)… or the humble ‘Universal News’ newsagents store, it’s tiny frontage almost being lost within all theContinue reading “MADAME TUSSAUDS….”


PRETTY VACANT…. William Wordsworth’s house… tucked away in the kitchen. It was just a plain wall, nothing more. An area of bare plaster which seemed to need something else. A framed photograph? A painting? A kitchen clock? Just something which might cover the marks upon its surface. Those stains, chips and cracks which have arisenContinue reading “PRETTY VACANT….”


RIVER WALL, SEACOMBE…. I noticed this view while I was waiting for the Mersey ferry ‘Snowdrop’ to leave the landing stage on the opposite side of the river. I wanted to get a view of the ferry as it passed in front of the cruise ship ‘MV Celebrity Silhouette’, which had been visiting the cityContinue reading “RIVER WALL, SEACOMBE….”


PRINCE & PRINCESS…. Two stunning golden busts of Prince Albert & Princess Charlene on display in the Royal Palace of Monaco, Monte-Carlo, France. It seemed a shame to desaturate the image as the bright golden colour of the objects were really exceptional, but I think it also works seen in monochrome as well. (C) GrahamContinue reading “PRINCE & PRINCESS…”


NOSTELL, WEST YORKSHIRE…. Visited an unexpected jewel in West Yorkshire today… not quite knowing what to expect as we have visited some stunning properties over our time as members of the National Trust. The house from the outside gave little clue as to what lay inside for the visitors. It was an impressively sized building,Continue reading “NOSTELL, WEST YORKSHIRE…”