
Acrylic Art

I am enjoying working with acrylic paints and creating a range of abstract art pieces, working with both canvas, paper, wood and other materials. You can view examples of my abstract art here.


Inspired initially by some of the works of the artist Gerhard Richter, I have taken some of my photographic works and enhanced them by turning them into PhotoArt – photographs which have been printed and then manually overpainted in a variety of ways using mainly acrylic paints. You can view my PhotoArt here.


In this section you can view many of my photographic works – selected from my archive of photographs which have been produced over the past three decades. Examples of my photography can be viewed here.

About The Artist

These days I consider myself a professional creative, having had a wide variety of interests throughout the years including writing, making music, photography and painting and drawing. It is only now, since I have finished the day job and am moving slowly into full retirement, that I have found the time to pursue these interests properly. This website is the result… a collection of my paintings, artwork, photography from across the years…

New works will undoubtedly follow, but for the time being I hope you enjoy the type of material I am producing so far…

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